Projection / Étendue de Jeanne en son territoire propre de Gaëlle Cognée

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    On the 19th, Crac de Montbéliard and the Frac are joining forces to screen the film "Étendue de Jeanne en son territoire propre" by Gaëlle Cognée. Gaëlle Cognée, an artist living and working in a rural environment, favours collaborative projects in her practice. During her residency at the Frac in 2021, she will be deepening her exploration of the Joan of Arc myth, begun with the book "Jeanne déployée Sans emploi", in which the artist tackles the relationship between women and work in a small industrial town in the Côté d'Or. This research gave rise to the video "Étendue de Jeanne en son territoire propre" (Joan's Expanse in Her Own Territory), based on existing and fantasised accounts compiled through documentary research, this video extracts pieces of Joan of Arc's story to offer a non-linear version. Taking shape over the course of meetings with artist Marie Bette, students from a hotel and catering class, ethnomusicologist Blanche Lacoste and actress Itto Mehdaoui, this video composition activates the discrete forms of the power to act of an individual, yet excluded from power. After being shown at Malpas (25) this summer as part of the Art en Chapelles Biennial, Gaëlle Cognée's film will be screened at the Frac on Wednesday 16 October at 6.30pm. The screening will be accompanied by a discussion with Sylvie Zavatta, director of the Frac FC; Adeline Lépine, director of 19, Crac and the artist Gaëlle Cognée.


    Opening periods

    Wednesday 16 October at 6.30pm
    Wed 10/16 : from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

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