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Ulysse de James Joyce


Ulysses by James Joyce. Ulysses is a strange text. By going "from one thing to another", Joyce overturns the traditional structures of literature. He shatters the straitjacket of convention, liberating the written word from its stereotypes in order to express thoughts. He mixes dreams, reveries, obsessions and memories. But Ulysses is a novel that demands of us. Reading it in silence quickly becomes unbearable. When read aloud, however, the energy of the language makes the meaning more apparent. Perhaps the theatre, by embodying the text, is a means of discovery? Molly : ...yes, he said that I was a mountain flower yes, that's right, we are flowers, the whole body of a woman yes, for once he said something true and it's for you that the sun shines today yes, that's why I liked him, because I could see that he understood or that he felt what it is to be a woman yes... The show will be performed indoors in case of bad weather.


Opening periods

From 8 to 15 September 2024 at 8.30pm, except Sundays at 4pm
Sun 09/08 : from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
from Mon 09/09 to Sat 09/14/2024 : from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Sun 09/15 : from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm


  MINI Max Additional information
Basic rate-12 €
Reduced rate-8 €