Scriptwriter Jean-David Morvan and illustrator Dominique Bertail will be giving us the chance to (re)discover their comic trilogy Madeleine, Résistante, centred on the life of Madeleine Riffaud (1924-), whose testimony they have collected.
Madeleine Riffaud, a Parisian student, joined the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans (communist resistance fighters) at a very young age to fight against the German Occupation. Arrested and interrogated for shooting a German officer, she did not speak. Sentenced to death and then deportation, she was finally freed and went back to fighting. Leading a detachment of four men, she took part in the liberation of Paris aged just 20.
Come and listen to and talk with the authors, who will be presenting their work in bringing a life to life and their creative process.
The Mine de Rien bookshop will be selling the comic trilogy on site.