Guided tours

To fully appreciate the richness and diversity of Besançon, let a guide tell you about the city. From Antiquity to the present day through the Age of Enlightenment, follow the thread of history and discover an exceptional heritage during a historical, scientific or cultural tour.

And with a nature tour, enjoy the greenery in our parks and gardens or discover the forts that line the surroundings. Lovers of fantasy and gustatory pleasures will also find happiness in a gourmet walk or a night stroll with music.

Our guided hikes will allow the most dynamic among you to exercise your brain as well as your legs. In Besançon, all tastes are in nature!

195 results
Opening dates
Opening dates
  • BESANCON - 02/09/2025

    MBAA - Eveil tout-petit 18 mois 3 ans

    BESANCON - 02/10/2025

    Circuit Patrimoine industriel horloger

    BESANCON - 02/11/2025

    Autour de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

    BESANCON - 02/12/2025

    Visite guidée : entre ponts

    BESANCON - 02/12/2025

    Du collège de Jesuites au collège Victor Hugo

    BESANCON - 02/13/2025

    Histoire de la caserne à Besançon

    BESANCON - 02/14/2025

    Claude Lullier : un imagier de la renaissance

    BESANCON - 02/15/2025

    MBAA - Les visite adaptée au handicap visuel "Amour et érotisme"

    BESANCON - 02/15/2025

    Visite guidée : La tenture de Charles Quint

    BESANCON - 02/18/2025

    Visite guidée : Palente et LIP, les mutations d'un quartier

    BESANCON - 02/19/2025

    Visite guidée pour enfants : Les petits lutins du patrimoine

    BESANCON - 02/19/2025

    Besançon au siècle des Lumières : le retour à l'antique

© Crédits photos : ©Ville de Besançon - Grand Besançon Métropole, ©Office de Tourisme et des Congrès de Grand Besançon Métropole