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Rando à Thise : Sentes des Vaux et de la Vaivre

© HNS 25220
Pets allowed

Course in the forest where priority is given to lightness. Very short effort times. This very comfortable walk allows the hiker (s) to appreciate the trails on the edge of the forest, the flexibility of the ground in the undergrowth and to consider an encounter with wild boars and deer.
Birds of prey visible in the open areas towards the Middle of the Vaux, mainly hawks and kites. Many species of wood throughout the course.

Practical information


Sporting activities


See also


Aéro-club de Besancon-Thise


Boucle autour de Thise

THISE - from 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024

Aérodrome de Besançon - Thise et ses hangars